ECA had their first Committee Meeting January 30th 2024 . We are excited about the year
ahead and projects we are working towards. As the General Meeting for February 7th was postponed, please find a brief update for February-May. We are aiming this year to bring the Picnic Shelter in the Community Park to a more completed state. By the end of February the Shelter will have a concrete floor and two burner BBQ installed. By the end of the financial year we should have entrance signage, landscaping and some seating installed. We look forward to this space taking shape and being used more by the community. To achieve our projects this year it is necessary to take part in fundraising events. We will be seeking volunteers to help at All British Day (Sat March 3rd) to sell packaged ice creams and a Bunnings BBQ (Sat March 23rd). Both these events will have rostered volunteers and we appreciate any time you can contribute. Our first event of the year will be a working bee to landscape the area near the Picnic Shelter, followed by the Official Shelter Opening the morning of Sunday April 14th. We will be seeking willing workers to join ECA in helping to landscape and plant up the entrance to the shelter at a short working bee. Then please stay on to attend the official ‘opening’ of the Picnic Shelter with a BBQ. Everyone in the community is invited, more details TBA. Our other major undertaking for the first quarter of the year is to submit our budget request to the Council for funding in 2024/25 towards toilets and car-parking at the Echunga Community Park. Please reach out via email for any further information [email protected] or sign up to our emails at We look forward to what 2024 brings for the Echunga Community Association and the Echunga community! Our next scheduled General Meeting is May 8th 2024