The Picnic Shelter floor has been beautifully concreted - the first stage of the planned enhancements for this area. Thanks to Sieh for this great capture of the day! :)
A huge thank you to Echunga resident Paul for his many days of volunteer work towards the completion of this job, thanks also to (the other) Paul, both from Complete Concrete Co who we thank for supplying the equipment used on the day. Thanks to Boral for the speedy delivery as always. ECA also thanks members David and Derek for their tireless work over the last fortnight, as well as Andy, Sieh and Dale for their wheelbarrow skills. All 7 volunteers were strongly supported by an excited audience, beautifully baked scones and a BBQ at the end of the first day! This project has been made possible solely through funds raised by ECA. Therefore, we would also like to thank the community and our dedicated volunteers for the efforts they have contributed towards raising money for this project. Next up, BBQ installation! And our official ‘shelter opening’ Sunday 14th April.